
External Studies  -  Distance Learning

The "Unique Path"... Allows the student who works full-time to still be in full-time study and pursue a diploma or degree in a correspondent manner. This program of External Study or "Education program without walls" is somewhat unusual because a Professor will be assigned to the Student, and that Teacher is only an e-mail or letter away. The Professors are available for personal help and will talk with the Student upon request. We believe we have "EXTERNAL STUDIES WITH CLASSROOM QUALITY!" Students that are not in the local or surrounding area of Des Moines, Iowa will still have a Professor assigned to them, and correspondence between the Student and the Professor will be an asset for the Student. The idea of Biblical Education is to put the Word of God first in the hearts of His people for the latter day. The End-Time Harvest is upon us! It is an hour for "CONCENTRATED STUDIES FOR A CONSECRATED SERVANT!"

Soldiers of the Cross must be equipped for battle, having their feet shod with the preparation of the Gospel of Peace, their heads covered with the helmet of Salvation, and having the breastplate of righteousness - taking unto themselves the whole Armour of God! And not forsaking having our loins girt about with Truth! - Eph. 6:13-18.

The External Student may also enter the "Unique Path" housed within the Discipleship Department. The basic requirement for this: the Student's Pastor must be willing to cooperate with the College. The Student's Pastor will be the one to Disciple and be responsible for the general criteria, evaluation, grading and Christian Life Experience, Practical Ministry - "Internship." The College suggests that the Student first get acquainted with the "Unique Path" and then have their program set forth. A meeting between the Pastor and the College officials would be appropriate, to set forth the program for the Pastor's participation. The Student's Pastor will also be encouraged to participate in the graduation that pertains to their parishioner. SBCS desires to be a source of help and strength to the local Church and its Pastor.