Our Curriculum & Academic Information

Because Shalom Bible College & Seminary is a College of the Bible, it is our only Major. The Diploma and Degree Program is structured to provide every Student with a thorough foundation in God's Holy Word. Classes are developed to lay a strong foundation of Doctrine, Faith and Discipleship. In the required Bible Courses and Discipleship, major doctrines of the Christian faith are studied. If there is a study which a Student desires to take, the SBCS staff will attempt to work that study in along with the Student's requirements in order to fulfill their chosen field in the "Unique Path" of Discipleship.

The Basic Divisions of Curriculum

Basic Core | Christian Life | Internship Training | Degrees

1. The Basic Core Curriculum

         Bachelor Requirements

               Throughly Furnished, Part 1

               Let's Weigh the Evidence

               God's Holy Word

               Synopsis of each book of the NT

               Degree Open Book Exam

               Capture That Sermon (10)

               * Textual Analysis for Bachelors

          Master Requirements

               All of the Bachelor Requirements

               Throughly Furnished, Part 2

               Genesis to Revelation Open Book Exam

               *American Christian Heritage

               Capture That Sermon (10 More - 20 in all)

               Degree Open Book Exam

               Synopsis of each book of the OT

               * *A Thesis in Area of Degree

          Doctorate Requirements

               All of the Bachelor and Master Requirements

               Adv. Degree Open Book Exam

               Capture That Sermon (10 more - 30 in all)

               ***A Dissertation in Area of Degree

* The Textual Analysis should be given from a book which is at least 200 pages long. The report should be a minimum of 10 to 15 pages in length, typed, double-spaced and only on one side of the paper.

** The Thesis should reflect something in relation to their Degree. It should be a minimum of 25 to 30 pages in length, typed, double-spaced, and only on one side of the paper.

*** The Dissertation should reflect something in relation to their Degree. It should be a minimum of 65 to 75 pages in length, typed, double-spaced, and only on one side of the paper.

**** The course entitled American Christian Heritage uses the Textbook, The Light and Glory, and has homework that has been prepared by Dr. Rice. It will help the Student to gain an understanding of America's Christian Heritage, and call the Student back to the Godly principles for which God gave America to us!

2. Christian Life Experience, Practical Ministry & Practical Service

We believe that a Student's Life Experience and Ministry before the Lord is very valuable. Experience becomes as an "Apprenticeship" - learning while doing. Therefore, we give collegiate credit for Christian Life Experience, Practical Ministry and Practical Service.

Studies within this area can be of a diversified nature, including group study, field service, life experience, independent reading and individual research. To receive credit for this, a Student must have worked in a specific area for at least six months, unless it is an "Intensive" - Concentrated Ministry or Training. These credits should be validated by certificates or letters which verify the Ministry which the Student has completed. While all Ministry is important and accepted for credit, each Degree level will have a "cap" placed on the number of credits which can be applied for that Degree. Each Student's program must contain the required amount of actual classroom or correspondent study credit. Even though a student may have enough Credits to receive a degree, specific requirements must still be completed.

3. Internship Training or Practicums

Occasionally a Student has time available to actually "serve" under a Ministry or at Shalom Bible College & Seminary. This is our "Internship Program." The student completes their academic studies while receiving Practical Ministry Credits. This is accomplished under the supervision of SBCS or their local Pastor. The Supervisor then sends the Student's evaluation, and credit is granted upon the information received from the Supervisor.

The Internship Training or Practicums course of study also provides an avenue for experimental and exploratory study. It may be used to develop or extend courses regularly offered. This avenue of study may also be used for individual academic pursuits not listed in the regularly developed sequence of course offerings. A host of alternatives are provided for: Independent Study, Literature, Individual Research and Field Experience. This offering is contingent upon the Student's request and their ability to qualify for this program. Professors are always available for personal help in all study departments, including the Internship Program.

Credit Hours Required:

Diploma, Associate of Arts and the Bachelor's Degree


Upon completion of 60 Credits, the Student will have earned a Diploma. As to the length of time it takes to complete a Diploma or Degree, it depends upon the Student - the amount of time the Student has to study, and length of time it takes the Student to fulfill their requirements. This will vary greatly from Student to Student.

Associate of Arts Degree:

Ninety-six [96] credits are required for the Associate of Arts Degree [A.A.] in Bible.

Bachelor Degrees:

Beyond the 96 credit hours required for an Associate of Arts in Bible Degree, thirty-three [33] credits are required for graduation with a Bachelor Degree, for a total of 129 hours required. Twelve [12] additional credits are required to receive a Bachelor of Theology [Th.B.] Degree. Detailed information on the varied degrees above the Bachelor's level is listed below under "Seminary - Our Graduate School."

Bachelor Degrees Available

     Bachelor of Divinity [B.Div.]

     Bachelor of Religious Education [B.R.Ed.]

     Bachelor of Christian Education [B.C.Ed.]

     Bachelor of Ministries [B.Min.]

     Bachelor of Theology [Th.B.] (at least 12 credits more)

     Other Bachelor Degrees are available upon request.

The Master's and Doctor's Degree

Before a Student may commence a Degree through Shalom Seminary, they must first have received their Bachelor's Degree. A new resume may be submitted with up-dated Ministry. Staff members are available to assist the Student as they begin their Master's or Doctor's Degree, helping them to have understanding as to which Degree would be most beneficial to them as they walk out the Call of God in their own particular life.