About Commerce Community Church and Shalom Ministry,
Bible College & Seminary
In 1903 church services began, and were held in a tiny school house in a small community called Commerce for there was no church building. In 1905 a small country church was erected on the High Road overlooking the Raccoon River. It was called Commerce Episcopal Methodist Church. In the years to come there were many ministers, from students to senior pastors. In 1964 it became Commerce Community Church with an open door to all people in the community.
Dr. Rice came to the church September 7, 1983. Shalom Ministry was conceived in her heart by the Holy Spirit, and out of this Shalom Bible College and Seminary was birthed. Shalom Ministry was incorporated by the State of Iowa in 1983. In 1990 Shalom Ministry became officially affiliated with the Full Gospel Fellowship of Churches and Ministers International. In 2000 we broke ground to complete the vision of our forefathers, thus adding offices for Shalom Bible College and Seminary.
"O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the Lord our maker for he is our God; and we are the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his hand." - Psalm 95:6-7
Introducing Our Family Church
We are located off of Grand Avenue, in West Des Moines, Iowa, just before you reach Interstate 35. We would like to invite you to visit us if you do not have a church home. You will find a warm and loving welcome in the midst of the Commerce Family. We have many avenues of ministry available to you. Please note these ministries on the next pages.
At Commerce Community Church we celebrate the Church Calendar. The Holy Season begins in November with a special Thanksgiving Service, and is followed by Advent, the Celebration of the Birth of the Christ Child. The season advances with Epiphany in January, which is the celebration of the coming of the wise men. This is a unique time as we see the wise men coming to the nations, the gentiles. The Holy Lenten Season follows as we celebrate the life, the death and the resurrection of Jesus Christ in the Easter Season. These days are called Shrove Tuesday, Maundy Thursday and Tenebrae (Good Friday). There are other Holy Days such as Transfiguration, Ascension, and Pentecost. All these are days that have been placed on the Church Calendar to cause us to "remember" the Lord Jesus Christ.
If you are looking for a place to worship and to be accepted by the Church Family, we are here for you! We are a church built "For the Glory of Jesus"! ... and we would like to extend a warm welcome to you. There are Christian college classes available and ministries to pursue at Commerce Community Church. All of God's people are welcome to share in Holy Communion, worship and praise with our church family. You are welcome in our Christian Community of the Commerce Family.
Shalom Bible College & Seminary
Shalom Bible College and Seminary is also located at Commerce Community Church. The College & Seminary is a distance learning school of the Bible, with some in-class courses available for those living in central Iowa. It is accredited by the American Accrediting Association of Theological Institutions, and we are qualified to grant diplomas and degrees. We invite you to check us out!
Shalom Ministry, Inc.
Shalom Ministry is also located here at Commerce Community Church. Shalom Ministry, Inc. is a group of ordained ministers. Some years we gather together from all over the United States and some foreign countries. It is a special time of "Gathering" together. If you are interested in the Fellowship of Ministers, we invite you to contact us.
Commerce Family Missions
We are a Church Family that loves to be involved in missionary activity. We have a special love for Israel and believe the time to favor her, and to pray for the "Peace of Israel", is now! We are heavily involved in spreading the Gospel to the nations through Shalom Bible College & Seminary.
Church Deacon Board
Dr. B. L. Rice, Chairman
Evelyn Miller
Dr. Dennis Devick
William Cromer
Dr. Toy Waterman
Rev. Sara Maaske, Bookkeeper