Administration Directory
Officers of the Executive Board and Faculty
B.L. Rice, B.D., M.A., Th.D., Ph.D., Founder and President
Open Bible College, Mid-States Bible College, Berean Christian College, Crossroads Bible College & Seminary
Phyllis D. Goerndt, R.N., B.S., M.Min., M.N.C., Ph.D., Co-Founder
Grandview College, Mid-States Bible College, Crossroads Bible College & Seminary, Shalom Bible College & Seminary
Ronald Davis, B.A., M.A., M.S.E.
North Central College, Northeast Missouri State University, University of Osteopathic Medicine & Health Sciences
Dennis Devick, B.A., M.Div., M.A., D. Min.
William Penn College, University of Northern Iowa, University of California, Santa Barbara, Shalom Bible College & Seminary
Jewelly F. R. Hyden, B.C.Ed., M.Th.
Kingsway Bible College, Shalom Bible College & Seminary
RoxAnna L. Smith, B.Div. , B.S.E
Rhema Bible College, Shalom Bible College & Seminary, Upper Iowa University
Administrative College Staff and Faculty
The Department of Nouthetic Counseling
Dr. Phyllis Goerndt
The Department of Foreign Chartered Schools
Dr. B. L. Rice
The Department of Incarcerated Students
Chaplain Tammy Kappleman
Past Officers of the Executive Board
Ioma Taylor, B.D., M.R.E., Th.D., Co-Founder (06-05-26 to 06-26-94)
Foursquare Institute, Echos of Calvary Bible College, Mid-States Bible College, Shalom Bible College & Seminary
Evan Hines, B.A., M.Min., Th.D., Ph.D. in N.C.
University of Minnesota, Palmer Chiropractic College, Des Moines Area Community College, Shalom Bible College & Seminary
Randolph Goerndt, B.A., M.Th.
Iowa State University, Shalom Bible College & Seminary